IQ Congressional Training Calendar

General Information

Our training classes posted below are offered to active Congressional IQ users. These are virtual sessions using Cisco WebEx. For questions regarding Congressional Training or to inquire about Federal, State or Local Training options, please contact our team.

  • IQ5 Courses and Workshops are listed in purple.
  • IQ4 Courses and Workshops are listed in blue.

If you are unsure which version of IQ you have, please expand the examples on the right for more information.

Course vs. Workshop

  • An IQ Course is a standard 60 minute session that provides a comprehensive discussion on an IQ module and/or process.
  • An IQ Workshop is a 30 minute session that focuses on an activity.  These are offered every Wednesday.

Please review the agenda prior to registering for a session.

IQ5 Example Dashboard

Your homepage will look similar to this if you are using IQ5:

Related Image

IQ4 Example Dashboard

Your homepage will look similar to this if you are using IQ4:

Related Image

Cancellation Policy

  • Course: The session is cancelled after 10 minutes if no confirmed attendee is present.
  • Workshop: The session is cancelled after 5 minutes if no confirmed attendee is present.

Please register at least 5 to 10 minutes prior to a session to notify the instructor accordingly.

Need to withdraw from a class in which you registered?  Simply decline the session from your WebEx calendar invitation and that will notify us about your cancellation. We request at least a 24 hour cancellation notification.

2025 Agendas

Please review the agenda prior to registering for a session. Click to expand each area below to review the Agendas.

What class is recommended for all new IQ users and Interns?

Intro to IQ4 Recommended for new IQ4 users or staff who want to take a refresher course.

Intro to IQ5 Recommended for new IQ5 users or staff who want to take a refresher course.

What are the Standard IQ courses?

In addition to our Introductory trainings, we offer the following:

  1. Managing Casework Services IQ4  Recommended for District Office Team or staff who manages their office’s casework services.
  2. Managing Casework Services in IQ5 Recommended for District Office Team or staff who manages their office’s casework services.
  3. Managing Legislative Mail in IQ4 Recommended for Legislative Team or staff who manages their office’s correspondences.
  4. Managing Legislative Mail in IQ5 Recommended for Legislative Team or staff who manages their office’s correspondences.
  5. Managing eNewsletter Activities Recommended for Communications Team or  staff who manages eNewsletters/Press Releases.

What are the workshops for Messages and Legislation?

  1. Batching Messages Learning IQ best practices on creating batches to process IQ messages.
  2. Creating Form Letters  Creating Form Letters and managing their approval process.

What are the workshops for Casework?

Processing a Case in IQ5 Create a case and perform actions in IQ to record case activity.

What workshops teach how to run reports and add codes to IQ?

IQ5 Reports and Codes Run productivity reports for messages and services and learn how to create affiliation codes, issue codes and service codes.

What course is recommended for offices transitioning from IQ4 to IQ5?

IQ4 to IQ5 Transition Understand the new interface and learn about the key upgrades for messages, casework and logging opinions.

What if there are other topics I am interested in learning but are not listed?

These workshops are available via an on-demand basis. To request one of these workshops, or a training for your whole office on these and other topics, fill out our Training Request Form. 

  1.  Approving Form Letters and Messages Routing messages and Form Letters for approval.
  2. Managing Flag or Tour Requests  Processing and tracking Tour or Flag requests.
  3. Scheduling Requests  Streamlining and managing event requests.
  4. Using Audience Builder Creating an audience list based on common attributes of contact records.
  5. Using LegiStats Module  Using LegiStats module to view bill-related information, biographical data on Members of Congress, and constituents’ demographic information
  6. Creating Surveys and Web Forms Creating surveys and Web Forms that can be used with outreach materials.
  7. Sending 499’s in IQ Creating audience lists for mailings sent during blackout periods.
  8. Texting in IQ5 Sending individual and Mass Texts out of IQ5.