We've outlined a number of actions incoming Freshman offices and Members-elect can take in the weeks leading up to swearing-in day.  Work through these simple tasks and give yourself a head start on what is sure to be a busy 2023!

Book Virtual IQ Training

Reserve your space in a series of virtual training courses by selecting from a number of different classes each month 

Click this button to book IQ training

Design a Newsletter Template

Settling on at least one email newsletter template before your sworn in is a great way to make sure your office is ready to hit the ground running on day one.  Need some design inspiration?  Here are some ideas.

Click this button to read more about email design

Finalize Your Signature Font

Lock in your Member's signature font now and save time once you're in office.  It's one more easy step we can walk you through so you can focus on legislating and engaging with your community in 2023.

Click this button to get a signature font

Choose a Color Scheme

Your office will need to settle on a set of complimentary colors to help solidify the Member's digital "brand".  This color scheme can be used on your website, in your newsletters, in digital ads, and more.  No artistes on staff?  We can help.

Click this button to learn more about color schemes

Accept Data

If your office is inheriting data from the predecessor's office, you still need to complete some simple paperwork to formally accept it.  Take care of that now so that all that historical constituent data can be loaded into your system and ready to use on day one.  Email us to request the form.

Click this button to accept data